Live Campaign: a New Social Contract for Genetic Technologies

We believe there should be new a social contract for the use of genetic technologies. This would give the public a say in whether, and how, these technologies are used. 

Without one, we run the risk of giving governments and corporations too much power over the millions of genomic profiles they are collecting.

If only wealthy people have access to gene editing technologies, then this could create previously unseen levels of inequality.


A truly public bioscience will ensure we don't lose control over our genetic futures

The Campaign

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Join us in our campaign to establish a social contract between genetic technology companies, governments and the public.

The social contract will set out a framework for how decisions about genetic technologies are made.

This would support greater regulation, and more public-centered policy decisions.

Participate today

Sign the petition Share our ‘call to action’

As part of the social contract, governments will be required to pledge 1% of their spending for genetic technologies on the following:

  • Nationwide, awareness raising campaigns

  • Ongoing effort to educate the public, so that the public voice is properly informed when deciding how these technologies are used

    • Workshops which bring the debate to life in schools, colleges, and universities – free to participate, and facilitated online for wider access

    • Television and online campaigns and programmes featuring some of the brilliant minds that work both within the field and outside of it, which have the potential to capture the attention of the public, inspire them, and ultimately get them ‘up to speed’

We are also campaigning for genetic technology companies, as part of their corporate social responsibility, to contribute to empowering the public so that it’s voice is always heard

Campaign updates and links


We have published an article about our campaign in Open Democracy

Campaign supporters
